The mouth of the Indian River is just outside of Portsmouth town. We did a river tour in a small motorboat with our guide, Providence. Once we were too far up stream to use the motor he lifted the propeller out of the water and broke out some heavy, old school wooden oars and rowed us upstream. This little shack on the shore of the Indian River was built and used as a set in the popular Pirates of the Caribbean movie – The Dead Man’s Chest.

Our view back as we were rowed up the Indian River.

Our view downstream as our guide, Providence, rowed us up the Indian River.

A blue heron on the shoreline of the Indian River in Portsmouth.

A blue heron balancing on one foot along the shoreline of the Indian River in Portsmouth.

After a while, we arrived at the Ticking Croc Tavern, a little jungle bar with only boat access. A fresh and unique place to have a drink to beat the Caribbean heat.

Location: Indian River, Dominica