Month: April 2008

Dry Tortugas National Park

I sailed here from Isla Mujeres, Mexico, with my friends Rich and Jan on s/v Slip Away. We spent a couple days exploring, bird watching, and waiting for…

Grazing the Livestock

It seems like in Bolivia it’s the women who roam around with their livestock for some grazing. We would see women in their traditional dress wandering the hillsides…

Mt. Ancohuma from Isla del Sol

Location: Isla del Sol, Bolivia

Caribbean Paradise

The Caribbean Sea and the islands it holds are an absolute paradise. Soft white sand beaches lined with palm trees, perfectly clear water the colour of a glowing…

Bow Spray on a Close Reach

We were sailing in the Caribbean Sea somewhere near Belize when the wind picked up from the direction of our destination. We reefed the main and shortened the…

Transiting the Reef

The Belize Barrier Reef is the second longest reef in the world, only The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is longer. For sailboats to access the shore at…