We rented a scooter and toured ourselves around the winding mountain roads outside of Sa Pa.

We stopped for fuel at a little store where fuel was sold in old Coca-Cola bottles, and while we were fuelling up the scooter a swarm of children surrounded us and ran along side us as we pulled away to continue our day.

Not far from there, we spotted these little girls exploring by themselves in a steep green meadow filled with wildflowers. I shot this photo as they were scrambling over some large loose stones that probably formed a wall of some sort in the past.

Girls scrambling over rocks barefoot

These little girls were walking along an old crumbling rock wall somewhere near Sa Pa, Vietnam.

Playing in the field

Children were often seen hanging out without the adults. These five (a little one on her sisters back!) were supervising the oxen in a muddy field.

Location: Mountian village near Sa Pa, Vietnam