Deep in the Amazon Basin of Brazil, we stayed overnight with a local family who showed us their way of life.

The family earned a living by producing dried manioc flour, which many Brazilians sprinkle over their food, and selling or trading it to others in the area for goods or services that they offered.

When we first arrived, we were lucky to catch these children cornering and capturing a large tarantula in a hole in a tree. After the capture they fearlessly let the spider run around on their bodies and faces. They insisted that we also let the spider run around on us, so to their delighted giggles, I eventually offered my hand. The tarantula didn’t like my hand and quickly bolted up my arm towards my armpit, which is when I noped right out of there and swept him off of me.

After spending a couple days with these kids, we had formed a good friendship. This photo was taken just before our departure back to base camp in the Amazon.

Location: Amazon Basin near Manaus, Brazil