What is it with Mexico and speed bumps?

They love speed bumps here. Every single road in the country is plagued with hundreds of speed bumps. These aren’t your everyday small speed bumps either. They are spine wrenching, suspension wreaking, monstrous speed bumps, and you can’t drive more than a couple of minutes in any direction without hitting one. Anywhere.

So, in order to get anywhere in any kind of timely fashion (Mexican time, of course), the drivers have adapted – not in a really “passenger friendly” way either. They drive full speed up to the bump, slam on the breaks while bouncing over the huge bump, and then slam on the gas to accelerate away. This happens literally hundreds of times on a short trip on any road except for maybe a few major highways. It’s especially annoying when you’re on a night trip, and you’re trying to get some sleep.

I really don’t understand why all of the speed bumps are necessary, but I wish they’d come up with another solution. Like speed limits, for example. 🙂