We hitchhiked from Chetumal to the ancient Mayan ruins of Balamkú. We caught a ride with a tractor-trailer driver after a short wait, and he drove us all the way to the access road to the ruins. We finished the approach walking a hot, dusty road to the actual site.

The ruins feature some of the best preserved stone carvings of all the Mayan ruins. This photo shows how elaborate and beautiful the carvings are.

After spending the whole day walking around the site, we strung up a hammock in the jungle to spend the night. There were security guards at the entrance which were a few hundred meters away which gave us some comfort knowing that if a cougar came prowling in the night, we’d have somewhere to run to.

It was a long, cold night. We never did figure out what those creepy jungle sounds were very near our little hammock.

Location: Balamkú Archeological Site, Hopelchen, Campeche, Mexico