For those of you who have traveled to Latin America, you know that a visit to the Plaza del Centro, or any other public park, is a great excuse for couples to make out.

At any hour, of any day, you can find couples unabashedly going at it, without even the slightest bit of embarrassment or shame. Couples of every age too – teenage school kids, young lovers, newlyweds, parents with young families, thirty-somethings, middle agers, empty nesters, and grandparents – you name the age, and I’m sure you can find a couple in a local park of that description, making out like they are at the drive-in theatre on a first date.

Every latino seems quite comfortable with this, but as a visitor from a country where things like this take place with much more privacy, it often seems a bit voyeuristic seeing so much kissing.

I’ve witnessed this so often, I thought I had seen it all… until today.

A guy, probably in his early fourties, was posing for a picture in front of a big fountain in the center of the park. His wife/girlfriend was setting up a camera on a park bench making sure that when she set the timer, she could run over and join him in the perfectly framed photo. When she pressed the button and ran over to join him, I was expecting them to pose arm-in-arm, so I was quite surprised when they locked lips, and kissed passionately for a good ten seconds, until they were sure the snap-shot had been taken.

They apparantly didn’t like the first or second take, because they did this three times before they were satisfied that the picture of them making out in front of the fountain was everything they had hoped for.

Afterthought… Photo Evidence.

I was inspired to write this little note after seeing this, so I went on a misson to take some photos for some evidence. I took these twenty (yes 20!) photos at Cerro Santa Lucia, Santiago, in about 30 minutes, and only had to walk about 300 meters to do it. Enjoy!

[edit] The original post did have 20 photos, but I’ve chosen six to display here. You didn’t really want to see all 20 anyways, did you?