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I climbed up the Arc de Triomphe to watch the sun set over Paris. This photos was taken at dawn when the lights of the tower had just…
Champs-Elysees Street sign Location: Paris, France
I sailed here from Isla Mujeres, Mexico, with my friends Rich and Jan on s/v Slip Away. We spent a couple days exploring, bird watching, and waiting for…
It seems like in Bolivia it’s the women who roam around with their livestock for some grazing. We would see women in their traditional dress wandering the hillsides…
Location: Isla del Sol, Bolivia
The Caribbean Sea and the islands it holds are an absolute paradise. Soft white sand beaches lined with palm trees, perfectly clear water the colour of a glowing…
We were sailing in the Caribbean Sea somewhere near Belize when the wind picked up from the direction of our destination. We reefed the main and shortened the…
The Belize Barrier Reef is the second longest reef in the world, only The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is longer. For sailboats to access the shore at…
We often looked for small deserted cays to drop our anchor for the night. We only realized that we weren’t alone here when Harry, the sole inhabitant and…
From Tumpeka, we went to see the ancient cave paintings at Inkamachay. Our guide had some pretty rough feet and was wearing sandals made of old tire rubber….
We did a great guided day trip from Samaipata, which took along a river and into a canyon where we were able to swim and play in some…
This pretty little creek was our swim spot for the day. It was super hot outside and the crystal clear water and little waterfalls were impossible to resist….
I always loved seeing these roosters in Central America since they have such beautiful colouring. I didn’t love being woken up by them at 4:30 in the morning…
When we were out from Utila for a few dives we would sometimes stop here for our surface interval and eat some local food. The local fishermen always…
Sunset at the statue of Diana the Huntress in Mexico City. Location: Mexico City, Mexico
When you think of Argentina, tango should cross your mind. And in Buenos Aires, La Boca is the place where tango in the streets is a way of…
This street busker in Ushuaia was breaking down some mean accordion and needed a little smoke break. After hanging out in Argentina for a while, I realize that…
This lone macaroni penguin was surrounded by hundreds of chinstrap penguins. This photo is taken just meters from the location that 28 members of the Ernest Shackleton Expedition…
This baby leopard seal was napping on the sun-warmed rocks while his mother was out hunting for food. She was completely oblivious to our presence, or more likely…
Penguins are super agile swimmers who are able to dart in the opposite direction in an instant if being hunted in the water. But on land it’s an…
The albatross is the king of the skies here in Antarctica. They have an impressive wingspan of over four meters and are absolutely incredible to see soaring in…
Albatross tending to her nest. Location: Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
The spine of a whale carcass deteriorating in the harsh environment. Location: Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
This chinstrap penguin was waiting for the waves to roll in and he’d dip his head to get a mouthful. The seabirds, penguins included, can ingest the salt…
We had just visited Base Esperanza, the Argentine research station in Antarctica, and were heading back to our ship, the Akademik Sergey Vavilov, by Zodiak. We came across…
This gentoo penguin is making his way over the rocky beach. Location: Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
There was quite a thick fog over the shore when we boarded our Zodiac for a little tour of the bay. We didn’t want to lose sight of…
Entering and exiting the water are dangerous times for penguins. It’s difficult to see and they could be jumping into water surrounded by hunting seals, so they’ll often…
I shot this just as the bright sun was finding it’s way through the thick morning fog that covered the area. Location: Weddell Sea, Antarctica
The wind can shift the small ice around the Weddell Sea quite quickly, while the larger bergs move more slowly. Here is an example of the “fast ice”…