This street busker in Ushuaia was breaking down some mean accordion and needed a little smoke break. After hanging out in Argentina for a while, I realize that…
This lone macaroni penguin was surrounded by hundreds of chinstrap penguins. This photo is taken just meters from the location that 28 members of the Ernest Shackleton Expedition…
This baby leopard seal was napping on the sun-warmed rocks while his mother was out hunting for food. She was completely oblivious to our presence, or more likely…
The albatross is the king of the skies here in Antarctica. They have an impressive wingspan of over four meters and are absolutely incredible to see soaring in…
This chinstrap penguin was waiting for the waves to roll in and he’d dip his head to get a mouthful. The seabirds, penguins included, can ingest the salt…
We had just visited Base Esperanza, the Argentine research station in Antarctica, and were heading back to our ship, the Akademik Sergey Vavilov, by Zodiak. We came across…
Entering and exiting the water are dangerous times for penguins. It’s difficult to see and they could be jumping into water surrounded by hunting seals, so they’ll often…
There is a lot of action going on in this photo. These adult adelie penguins are protecting their young hatchlings from the overhead advances of a common Antarctic…
Many Guatemalans use local buses for daily transportation since it’s cheap and the cost of car ownership is quite high for many who struggle to get by on…